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Sotomayor Evades Questions About Board Membership on Pro-Abortion Group

Washington, DC ( -- Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor evaded questions Tuesday afternoon from a senator who wanted to know more about the pro-abortion mission of a Hispanic group she served on the board of directors for during the 1980s.

Her comments followed remarks she gave earlier in the day saying the Roe v. Wade abortion case allowing virtually unlimited abortions any time during pregnancy is "settled law."

Sotomayor was a member of the board of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund from 1980 to 1992.

The New York Times notes that Sotomayor "was an involved and ardent supporter of their various legal efforts."

The group has come under fire for filing numerous amicus briefs with the Supreme Court each advocating an unlimited right to abortion throughout pregnancy and paid for at taxpayer expense.

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  1. I know it's a tradition for supreme court nominees to evade these questions, but it's still pretty lame... don't judges expect straight answers from people on the stand?

  2. How true! They just want to get Sotomayor through the door- then she can inflict her damage.
