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Is it surprising that the Pope tweets?

I checked my iPhone on Tuesday afternoon, and caught the breaking news that the Pope sent his first tweet. The next three tweets were insulting and offensive. Is that to be expected? An 80-something year old Pontiff is on an iPad. I think it's great! Yeah, the video revealed he isn't too familiar with the iPad, and maybe he doesn't even use a computer, and may never again. I, for one, hope I get another tweet from @PopeBenedictXVI ! As one of his 10,000+ followers, I would love to see a tweet every once in a while.

There were some very clever popular tweets about Papa Bene that made me chuckle.
My tweet lord: Pope joins Twitter and launches new Vatican website
Pope Benedict sends very first Papal tweet. With over 1 billion followers-look out Lady Gaga.
The Pope joins Twitter (and on an iPad, no less.)
UPDATE: Pope Benedict's first tweet announced that he was now the mayor of the Popemobile on FourSquare.
The Pope sent his first tweet "Praise be our Lord". Um someone should tell him he needs to put @lord if he wants him to see it.
The Pope's on Twitter, which really just raises the question of what his Klout score is
Can the Pope tweet infallibly?
The Pope used an Ipad to send his first tweet, because Steve Jobs needed a self esteem boost.
And my fav:
The Pope just sent his first Tweet. It came from an iPad. He also plays Angry Birds on it but only uses the Cardinals.
Let's not forget, it was Pope Blessed John Paul II who first commissioned the Church to "put out into the deep of the net" in 2002. Nevertheless, history has been made- and as one of his 10,000+ followers, I would love to see a tweet every once in a while, not just to launch a new website!

Will you follow @PopeBenedictXVI?


  1. the Pope is ahead of me - I've never tweeted. Heck just got my smart phone on Saturday

  2. And if you saw the video (go to the article link)- all he did was hit "send"! :) Twitter is a great way to exchange ideas and info and to evangelize! And with your new smartphone, you're bound to be tweeting in no time!

  3. LOL... I could hit send if someone set it up for me. Heck my dh just sent his first text today :)

  4. There's hope for all of us in cyberworld!
